Windows FACE class
Doll Street is proud to present
Angela Jarecki teaching
I have heard from a lot of doll artists that the hardest part of a doll for them is the face!
face is a very small part, but for many, it is the most agonized over portion of
the whole doll making process.
In this class I would like to teach you how to approach drawing, or creating a face, with confidence, so that it becomes one of your favorite parts.
One reason that faces are difficult, is that somewhere along the way, you may have convinced yourself that you cant draw!
But if you can "see", you are more than halfway to drawing wonderful faces. Drawing the face is something I believe that anyone can become proficient at with a little work and desire.
cover techniques that will help you capture the likeness of a favorite person or photo by using a technique of looking for "darks vs. lights" on a face. I will
also cover how to convincingly draw people from various ethnic groups using this method.
Mostly, it will be a lot of fun to discover how well you actually "can" draw. Come prepared to be amazed with yourself!!!!
Once you have a drawing you are happy with you will learn how to make a mini-quilt with a Window to show it off. There will be three different versions of the Window mini-quilt.
There are four lessons in this class with a bonus needle-case lesson.
Class is self paced, available now
Cost of class: US $60.00