Verity (2 doll sizes)
VERITY is made from a good quality woven fabric like tightly woven muslin (you can pre-wash the fabric in hot water and dry in a hot dryer to tighten the weave). She stands about 18 or 22 inches tall ? two sizes are included in this pattern. Wire armature strengthens and stabilizes her neck. Her face is needle sculpted. She has sewn, stuffed and attached ears. Her face, neck, upper chest/back and lower arms are painted with layers of ?Messy Mix? (dollmaker Helen Pringle?s recipe), gesso, and acrylic paints. Her shoes are painted in acrylics, with paperclay heels. Her facial features are painted in acrylics and shaded with colored pencils, powder blush, and pastels. Her hair is Tibetan lamb on the hide, made into a wig and glued in place. Her hands are a realistic mitt design, with hand-sewn finger divisions. Verity?s clothing is removable. She is intended for display or very gentle play
Designed by Deanna Hogan
Designer: Deanna Hogan
Document size: 8.5" x 11"
Level: Intermediate
?Deanna Hogan.
Sales info:? Products made from this pattern are intended for personal use only. Large scale commercial use (i.e. mass production) of products made from this pattern (regular and e-pattern) including wholesale distribution, catalog sales, and all other forms of large scale commercial production are by permission only. Copyright ? Deanna Hogan ? All Rights Reserved
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