Beanie Jesters

Beanie jesters ? Leo and Lilli
designed by Michelle Munzone
These little characters are fun and easy to make, they are filled with plastic pellets, which when adjusted make the dolls poseable. You can turn them into elves or Christmas characters just by changing the colour of fabrics. Many coloured photos and illustrations will guide through every step of creating, dressing and embellishing these whimsical jesters. Easy to read instructions<imgsrc=" " width="321" height="214" align="left" hspace="15">
Designer: Michelle Munzone, Bambole Designs
File size: 10.2 MB
Document size: 8.5" x 11"
Level: Beginner
Sale info: This pattern is NOT to be photocopied, commercially used or to be taught by anyone but me. You may make & sell, no more than 10 dolls per year, in the condition you label each doll and naming me as the designer. Thank you & HAPPY SEWING?
Please note: If you purchase this pattern using a credit card your download link will show in blue on your invoice at final checkout. If you pay through PayPal you will need to follow the steps that are listed on the Thank You page that PayPal redirects you to after payment. The steps will also be on the verification letter you will receive.
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