Thawed Charlottes
Thawed Charlottes (aka Bendy Dolls)
Warning: these poseable dolls are quick, fun and highly addictive!
Learn to create a simple yet versatile little doll form based loosely around the classic little girl?s doll. Learn how to create an armature, sculpt a very simple body, treat and decoupage a face, wig the doll and sew (or glue) a little dress.
A Charlotte is about 5 inches tall?close to dollhouse miniature size, but the methods can be adapted to create any size. A face template will be provided, but you can use any face?I?ve had students use grandchildren?s pictures. The hands are shrink plastic. Two methods will be shown for creating the shoes?one in plastic and one in clay.
The dolls are a small size and can help use up a lot of bits and scraps of fabric, lace, fibers and trims?all the things that are too small to do anything with, but too pretty to throw away :].
Can you see these hanging on a Christmas tree? How fun would it be to put your whole family on a tree!
Class starts Friday, Dec 17th 2010 and runs through the end of February 2011. Sign up anytime before the end of February.