Full Body Sculpt Class
Kathryn Walmsley?s
Full Body Sculpt Method
Working in the Clay of Your Choice
This is a fully detailed 4 part class offered with pricing for the times!
This Full Body Sculpt method is the most popular class I?ve taught on Doll Street. We?ve been offering it every year or two so all of our wonderful new students have a chance to take it.
This class was originally written for Polymer Clay but there is no reason why you can?t use Paper Clay or any clay of your choice. There are additions to the original text of the class for Paper Clay?.
Class starts with choosing tools, supplies and clay. Moves on with armature design and continues all the way through baking or drying, painting and applying hair and simple costumes to show off the sculpture. There will be 2 PDF guides included!
As always I?ll be here to answer all your questions through our class group where you can post pictures of your work.
A complete supply list is included when you intially sign up and at the beginning of lesson one so you can gather up what you need. As for costuming I don?t think you will need to buy a thing, just plunder your already collected goodies as these little characters love to show off their figures!
Class is self paced and ongoing.
Review the supply list.